Columbia Summer Program in American Law

Columbia Summer Program in American Law

Summer program

Columbia Summer Program in American Law

Columbia Summer Program in American Law

For over 50 years, students and professionals from all over the world have joined us in the picturesque Dutch cities of Leiden and Amsterdam for the Columbia Summer Program to learn about all aspects of American Law. The classes are taught by distinguished Professors from Columbia University, New York.

The Program is held in alternate summers, for the full month of July, in Leiden and Amsterdam. Please note that our Summer Program will not take place in 2024. For updates on future sessions, we encourage you to check our website after the summer.

Recent students - and students from many years past - have given overwhelmingly enthusiastic evaluations of the Program. Former students - who are now distinguished judges, political leaders, senior attorneys, business executives, and law professors - participate in great numbers in formal Program reunions and in smaller informal reunions in many countries.

Columbia Summer Program in American Law

Columbia Summer Program